YUVsoft's Lossless Video Codec Change Log Homepage: http://www.yuvsoft.com/download/lossless-codec/index.html Ver. What 1.0.3 + Compression ratio for video streams with fast motion were improved by up to 5% at the expense of encoding speed; due to another compression/encoding speed trade-off time of encoding increased up to 1.5 times for some files and decreased up to 1.8 times for another; however, this version is fully compatible with previous ones 1.0.2 x Fixed issue that YV12 and YUY2 streams might be converted to RGB24 during decoding + Minor speed increase (2-4%) * Handling of incorrect state loading 1.0.1 + Minor speed increase (2-3%) + State saving (ICM_GETSTATE, ICM_SETSTATE) * Better handling of internal errors/untypical situations * Dialog windows were changed 1.0.0 Initial public release